Life advice
If you are pregnant, all you want is a healthy baby. Below are some tips on a healthy lifestyle. This can create a positive impact on the development of your baby.
Daily menus:
- 6 slices brown bread
- 200 g potatoes (=4 pieces), brown rice, pasta or legumes (4 tablespoons)
- 2 pieces of fruit, 450 ml of milk and 1.5 slices of cheese
- 125-150 grams of meat(products), fish, chicken, egg or meat substitute (cooked weight)
- 45 grams margarine, butter or oil
- 3 liters of drinks (including milk)
Folic acid
Take 0,4 or 0,5 mg of folic acid daily, from the moment you want to become pregnant until the 10th week of your pregnancy. It reduces the chance of spina bifida significantly. If you haven’t taken folic acid before your pregnancy, it’s still wise to start as soon you know you are pregnant.
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy need not be avoided.
During pregnancy, some women have less need for sex because of symptoms like sore breasts, nausea or fatigue. Others just have an increased need. Women also often have an increased need for closeness, cuddling and caressing during pregnancy.
With ruptured membranes, in case of blood loss and if you ever had a child that was born prematurely, it is wise to avoid intercourse.
You can keep exercise during pregnancy. It is not advisable to excel and to do sports which carry a high risk of falling and stumps in the abdomen. Scuba diving is also not recommended.
Sauna, solarium
Sauna and solarium can be, especially early in pregnancy should be avoided because high temperatures can be harmful. Later in pregnancy it isn’t wise to let temperature increase above 39 degrees Celsius.
Another reason to avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds is that you can get moles who won’t disappear anymore.
Travelling during pregnancy isn’t a problem. If you travel by car it is important too regularly stop and walk a bit. The best wear for your seatbelt is as follows: shoulder strap above the abdomen, waist belt over the pelvis.
Travelling by plane is possible until you’re 7 monthes pregnant. After 7 months, most airlines do not want to carry pregnant women. Flying is unharmful for the unborn child, but make sure you walk around regularly on long flights.
Vaccination with attenuated or viable seeds is not recommended during pregnancy. Always tell you’re pregnant when you are vaccinated.
It is sensible to limit physically demanding work, such as lifting, standing, walking, squatting or bending.
It’s best not to take irregular or nightshifts after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Smoking, alcohol, drugs
It is advised to avoid smoking, alcohol and drug use during and after pregnancy as they can be harmful for your baby.
When you take medicine read the leaflet thouroughly. Some medications can’t be used during pregnancy. This includes a number of freely available drugs. For questions, please contact your GP or midwife.
Vitamin A
It’s advisable not to use liver products, such as liver, liver pate and liver sausage. These products contain a high level of vitamin A. The use of liver products on your sandwich is limited to once a day.
To avoid infection with toxoplasmosis, avoid raw and semi raw meat such as roast beef, steak tartare, tartar, carpaccio and beef sausage. You need to wash your fruit and vegetables thoroughly. It is also wise to use gloves when working in the garden and don’t clean your cats litter box by yourself.
Avoid contamination with the listeria bacteria by keep raw product, like vegetables, meat and fish as short as possible in your refridgerator. You could better leave French raw milk cheeses untouched, when it says ‘au lait cru’ on the package. You are allowed to eat cheese made from pasteurized milk.
Changes to your body
Below are some common complaints during pregnancy and changes taking place in your body. If you experience these or other complaints, report it to your midwife. To determine whether there is actually an innocent ailment or not. And maybe she can give additional tips for your specific situation.
Almost all women are more tired during their pregnancy. Especially during the first three and last three months. One reason is that all changes in the body of a pregnant woman much energy. Try these admit fatigue, limit yourself to things that are absolutely necessary and take some extra rest day.
Emotional showers
The pregnancy hormones can sometimes emotional or uncertain. This is normal.
Headaches are common during the first 3 months of pregnancy. The cause is unclear. Be careful and take painkillers if the symptoms persist, contact your midwife.
Nausea usually starts from 6 weeks gestation and, especially in the morning, accompanied by vomiting. Usually these symptoms disappeared after 14 weeks. The cause is the rapid rise in pregnancy hormones in your body.
- For you stand a light breakfast of biscuits or crackers, then continue to lie,
- Take frequent small meals per day light;
- Avoid fatty and spicy food and cold drinks.
By pregnancy the stomach and pushed upward by the pregnancy hormones working the sphincter of the stomach less. This means that stomach contents can easily flow back into the esophagus. That gives a burning sensation.Tips:
- Take frequent small meals;
- Avoid fatty, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol
- complaints sometimes helps a glass of milk or a spoonful of custard;
- to lean forward;
- Sit up straight so your stomach gets space;
- Do not eat just before going to bed;
- night you suffer an extra pillow under your head lay.
Try to minimize
If you
Pelvic pain / back pain
pubis is less firmly under the influence of pregnancy hormones. This allows the two halves easier jaws relative to one another. This means that your complaints of lower back or pelvis can get.
- Do not wear high heels;
- Avoid vacuuming;
- Walk up the stairs by becoming a stand to put on the step;
- Get out of bed by two feet past the bed and then hang up until your body get back into work
- Avoid prolonged standing, long walk, long sit,
Take regular rest
Frequent urination
The increased blood flow to the bladder and pressure of the uterus on the bladder, many women are the first 3 months of pregnancy increased urination. In the last 3 months this is because the baby’s head pressing on the bladder.
vaginal discharge
pregnancy you get more vaginal discharge. This is due to increased blood flow in the area. Normally this ‘watery’, white and odorless.
Difficult bowel movement / Constipation
The bowel works more slowly in the pregnancy so that more water again absorbed into the body. This allows the hard stool in pregnancy.
- Eat lots of fiber (raw fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread, legumes)
- Drink plenty of water
- Get plenty of exercise.
Varicose veins / hemorrhoids
Many pregnant women have spider veins on the legs or the labia or the anus (hemorrhoids).
to varicose veins in the legs or vulva is little to do. The following tips can be enlightening.
Tips for venous leg:
- Do not wear tight pants,
- Do not stay too long in one position or sitting;
- Put your feet up regularly;
- Increase the foot of your bed slightly;
- Do not wear high heels;
- your legs Shower with cold water.
If you suffer a lot less you can consult with your midwife to be custom fit stockings.
Tips for varicose veins of the vulva:
- Wear loose fitting shorts / briefs;
- Create an ice pack by a towel under the tap to keep it to freeze. Put it in a washcloth and then you see.
If you have hemorrhoids, make sure that the stool remains soft to prevent the hemorrhoids worse.
especially calf cramps during pregnancy are common. The cause is unclear.
Order to eliminate the cramping you, possibly with help, with one leg outstretched toes towards you to move and thereby stretching the calf muscle.
What to arrange?
Maternity care contributes to the smooth running of your birth. The nurse makes daily checks on you and your baby. She also helps in the household and taking care of the baby. One has to ask for maternity care before the 16th week of pregnancy to register. Information about this is available during the interview.
Recognition of the child
If you and your partner are not married and you want your baby to give the father’s surname, then you must arrange this in the pregnancy with the municipality. Your partner should then recognize your baby.
Maternity leave
If you have a job you are entitled to 16 weeks maternity leave. This lets you record from 6 weeks for delivery up to 4 weeks for delivery. To be eligible for this you must notify your employer that you are pregnant. This will probably ask for a pregnancy certificate. You can get that statement from your midwife.
Birth Declaration
The father must your baby within 3 days after birth indicate the municipality where the child is born. Take an identity card. If you’re married you can let your baby credited in the marriage.
Your baby should be insured for medical expenses. This must be the policy of the highest earning parent. After the birth thereof, contact your health insurer.
There are several types of child care as a nanny, a nursery or childminders. A nursery is often long delays. Let yourself why during pregnancy you register as soon after birth wish to use this collection.
Pregnancy course
It is recommended that you take a pregnancy course. You get there because a lot of information about your pregnancy and it is a good preparation for childbirth. We provide antenatal classes regularly in our practice.
If you’re interested in taking courses at our practice,
please contact us.
Pregnancy gymnastics and information
Wednesday afternoon 14.30-1600. On Kraaiennest 73, free admittance
Wednesday evening 19.30-2100. In A.M.C sign up through 06-20393672
For teenagers
Tuesday 16.00 18.00 – On Kraaiennest 73
The courses are for free!
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